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Cream Legbar

My name is Eliza and I'm kind of a big deal around here... I'm named after the wonderful Eliza Dushku. Why does that matter? She played the star, Jessie, in a movie called "Wrong Turn." Yep - that's part of the meaning behind the name of the farm of which I am basically the queen.

I am a cream legbar, and I lay some of the most stunning blueish green eggs you've ever seen. I'm a pretty good layer, however I have been known to get a little broody - and I'm a bit of a leader so I tend to bring a couple of my gal pals along for the trip. I'm generally a very sweet girl, but when I'm broody, it really brings out my inner dinosaur. If the neighbors have ever heard my mom shriek a profanity at the top of her lungs, chances are she's either seen a snake, or I've tried to eat her arm off because I'm protecting the eggs she seems to think she's entitled to!

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