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  • Writer's pictureHeather Barclay

The story of Do it HERself...

Several years ago, I walked into a Home Depot for something, and I saw they were advertising a Do-it-HERself workshop. I thought oh, that's fascinating! I love making DIY more accessible for woman - I know that it can be super daunting to have an issue, and go on youtube only to see some burly construction worker telling you "don't worry, this is super easy!" Sure guy, it's easy to YOU - you do this for a living! But will it be easy for ME? So yay for DIH - I'm here for it! What are we DIH-ing? Oh... a sparkly painted decoration thing for Christmas? Are you KIDDING ME? I can pinpoint the moment I turned into a full blown "HEAR ME ROAR" feminist to that very moment. I turned around, walked out, and became a loyal Lowes customer.

Now, I will give SOME credit where SOME credit is due... it would seem that they have made mild to moderate attempts to make these workshops slightly more useful. There are more power tools involved which I think is important. Getting people comfortable with using tools is great. But I still take great exception to the fact they are then using the tools to make grill tools caddies or bar carts. I maintain that there's greater value in learning to use the tools to fix real stuff around the house, and then once you have the skills, they'll translate into making fun stuff.

In any case, after stomping out of there that day, I always said I was going to start my own version of a do it HERself YouTube channel or blog, that would make home improvement and emergency repair projects feel more accessible to people with no previous experience. So that's what the do it HERself (please imagine the emphasis and snark placed on that capitalized HER) category is for. Making these types of "OMG! My toilet guts died" emergency fixes feel like a mild irritation rather than an overwhelming crisis. Then, if you so choose, you can channel your new found skillset into making a sparkly new grill tool caddy if you so choose! Or perhaps you can start building awesome new raised garden beds with your 9yr old bestie!

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